After having a good time, and once you thought everything had finished, there are still some things to do.
Review and complete results
Maybe in the VoCamp only a conceptualization was drafted on board and now you want to implement it as a ready-to-be-used ontology. Or you already implemented an ontology full of ontological commitments but you still have to improve its documentation.In any case, review what you did. Don't trust what was done while ten people were talking at the same time in a room.
Document and disseminate results
I already mentioned properly documenting your ontology, either if you have implemented it or if you have just some drawings or photos. Other interesting things to document are the discussions or the rationale that led to taking some decisions instead of others; these can be collected in minutes. And don't forget to take note of those things about the VoCamp process itself that may help you or others in the future such as lessons learnt, best (and wrong) practices, etc.Once you have finished, don't keep all that information for yourself! The VoCamp web page is the best place to publish this information or to provide links to where the information can be obtained.
Discuss results
Even if you have gathered the most brilliant minds in the area, inevitably they are not representative for the whole community around a topic. Therefore, try to discuss your results with others or to present them to other audiences. Surely you will gather some good feedback!How to organize a successful VoCamp:
- Part 1: Before the VoCamp
- Part 2: VoCamp participants
- Part 3: At the VoCamp
- Part 4: After the VoCamp (this post)
- Part 5: Potential risks at VoCamps
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