Contacting participants
In the previous post I already mentioned the need for having an open list of all those people that could be interested in the VoCamp's goal (or in its outcomes) and for contacting participants well in advance. Now, the million-dollar question is: which is the best way to contact participants?To answer this, first we have to enumerate the different possible ways of contacting participants. Any approach here is valid: use mailing lists, social networks, individual contacts, etc. Nothing new so, again, which is the best way?
You can assault everyone in the next conference you attend; this surely will make everyone know about the VoCamp but don't expect a direct increase in participation (you should learn to interpret the kindness of the waiter serving coffees).
Experience shows that sometimes indirect contact (mailing lists, social networks) works and sometimes it doesn't and that sometimes direct contact to individuals works and sometimes it doesn't.
My guess here it that a main factor to take into account is the social one, that is, the existence of a community of interest (or of several) that will benefit from the VoCamp outcomes. These communities should exist, independently of its size. They should be identified them while preparing the VoCamp, and taken into account when disseminating the call for participation.
Therefore, disseminate your VoCamp to mailing lists, social networks and events that are specific to those communities; contact those people that are relevant in these communities since they can serve as an attractor for the VoCamp; and make the community goals align with the VoCamp goals, even if you have to change your initial plans.
Number of participants
Regardless of your success in attracting participants for the VoCamp, sooner or later you have to estimate the number of participants that you expect to have in the VoCamp. You will need this number to plan for rooms, meals, etc.You will spend your nights awake thinking: Maybe 4 participants are too few for a VoCamp? Maybe more than 20 participants are too much for the VoCamp?
For this, try to be realistic and don't worry about the numbers. Success will depend on: the VoCamp goal, the commitment of participants, and your ability to adapt the VoCamp to the actual number of participants.
Participant profile
The other side of the story are VoCamp participants. Don't be naive here, you don't want everyone at your VoCamp. As I just mentioned: size does not matter; and you should avoid having people that won't contribute to the VoCamp's goals.Participants should also know what you expect from them. Maybe this is something that you still do not have clear at this stage of the process, but sooner or later you will have to tell them.
Furthermore, you should have clear the pre-requirements that VoCamp participants should satisfy, and communicate them to any potential participant. You may require people with expertise in a concrete domain, in ontology engineering, in some concrete standard or technology, and so on.
The clear thing is that, the more the pre-requisites covered by a participant, the most suitable he/she is for participation. Additionally, participants with previous experience in VoCamps are always a plus, since they are already introduced in The Way of the VoCamp.
Do not disregard the profile of your participants, it may happen that you need to take decisions based in it. For example, I have a room for 20 persons and I have 40 interested participants.
The Way of the VoCamp
This last part of the post is about you. Yes, I'm referring to you. Don't look away from the screen. You want to participate in a VoCamp, but you are not sure of whether you have what it takes to do so.Take a look at your inner self and check whether you will let the following principles guide your Way through the VoCamp:
- I have interest in the topics of the VoCamp.
- I have a personal goal for the VoCamp, and it is aligned with the VoCamp goals.
- I know what is expected from me and I will participate actively in the VoCamp.
- I am aware of the VoCamp pre-requirements and I will make my best to satisfy them.
How to organize a successful VoCamp:
- Part 1: Before the VoCamp
- Part 2: VoCamp participants (this post)
- Part 3: At the VoCamp
- Part 4: After the VoCamp
- Part 5: Potential risks at VoCamps